SMS PARKING provides an easy to use and fast way to pay for parking via a mobile phone. SMS PARKING brings customers the option to pay for a parking space without contacting a car parking machine. SMS PARKING brings operators a way to streamline the collection and control of parking fees. The system allows online statistics of the parking tickets sold, cost-effectiveness of the checks carried out by police officers or authorized controllers according to an overview of the parking tickets checked and other options. Depending on the operator’s requirements we can flexibly expand the SMS PARKING to other parking zones with different tariff rates (e.g. progressive price list, different charges during weekends or public holidays, etc.). We offer operators the option of connecting to existing systems or the systems of third parties.
SMS tickets
The SMS TICKET service ensures a fast and easy payment method for fares in urban/regional or long-distance transport via a mobile phone. The SMS TICKET brings customers/passengers another fare payment option via mobile phone ANYTIME & ANYWHERE. The SMS TICKET brings operators/carriers the option to streamline fare collection and control.
The SEJF mobile application is used as a unique payment instrument that, thanks to smartphone technology, brings a number of improvements and advantages not only for users, but also for traders. SEJF is connected to the company’s certified ticketing system that already reliably works in close to 40 cities in the Czech Republic. Payment for fares, parking or other services, where it is necessary to issue, distribute and validate a document, i.e. tickets or parking fees thus become easy, quick and clear.
SEJF, it’s a living community space for shopping, payments and fun SEJF also provides an alternative to DMS - donations to foundations and charitable organizations can be sent in any amount (up to CZK 3,000) and the foundation receives the money immediately. You can buy travel insurance with SEJF, you can vote in a competition, but you can also get discounts for example at popular restaurants.
Benefits for the driver - customer
Travel document purchases WHENEVER & WHEREVER
USER FRIENDLY principle without prior registration
No need to contact a ticket machine or have change
The possibility to extend the parking period without having to contact the car parking machine
The ability to simply and conveniently pay for parking e.g. in mixed zones
Online receipts
Modern, fast and environmentally friendly service
Benefits for the operator
Zero investments in infrastructure when expanding parking zones (parking machines)
Cutting the system’s operating costs, commission only from parking tickets ordered and sold
Rapid means of expanding existing zones and introducing new zones
Accurate on-line operating statistics for the entire system
Another source of revenue thanks to the warning that the time limit is about to expire
Simple control using a mobile device
Environmentally friendly (paperless service).
Benefits for travelers
Travel document purchases WHENEVER & WHEREVER
USER FRIENDLY principle without prior registration
No need to contact a ticket machine or have change
The option to order duplicate SMS tickets if accidentally deleted
The option of issuing online receipts
Modern, fast and environmentally friendly service
Benefits for the operator
Simplified money collection for the operator
Cutting the system’s operating costs, commission only from SMS tickets ordered and sold
Reduces the number of involuntary non-payers (thanks to the system’s availability)
Accurate on-line operating statistics for the entire system
Simple and fast control using a mobile device
Environmentally friendly - a paperless service
All-round usage
Public / regional transport tickets and time coupons
Parking tickets
Discount coupons
Travel insurance
Donation contribution
Competitions, polls, questionnairies
Money transfers between users
The advantages for users and traders
An easy, simple and rapid payment tool
Ordering - payment and delivery of travel tickets, parking tickets, entry tickets - all in SEJF
Daily and all-round use (purchases, discounts, entertainment, money transfers)